Meanwhile, this just in from the OTHER designated cultural conservative in the race

Got this via e-mail today from Sam Brownback, and I pass it on since we recently debated something similar in our Legislature:

Brownback Introduces Ultrasound Informed Consent Act
Bill to require ultrasound prior to abortion

Thursday, September 20, 2007

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Sam Brownback today introduced the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act, legislation which would require that a doctor perform an ultrasound and then share the results with the woman and allow her to view the images before performing an abortion.

"It is necessary and right to provide a woman seeking an abortion with all the available information so that she may make the most informed decision possible," said Brownback. "The Ultrasound Informed Consent Act would ensure that women have access to important information."

The requirements of the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act are placed solely on the doctor, not the patient. A woman seeking an abortion may refuse to view the images of the ultrasound after the results are made available to her. Several states including South Carolina and Texas have recently pursued similar legislation.

Brownback continued, "I am hopeful that this bill will inform women and will cause a deeper reflection on the humanity of unborn children. It is important to promote a culture that values life in all stages."

Brownback is a member of the Senate Judiciary and Appropriations Committees.


I suppose this is one advantage a sitting senator has over ex-Gov. Huckabee — he can actually introduce legislation. Not that it’s going to go anywhere in a Democratic Senate.

3 thoughts on “Meanwhile, this just in from the OTHER designated cultural conservative in the race

  1. Doug Ross

    Yeah, because most women don’t know what a fetus looks like. May as well make a traumatic experience even moreso.
    Why don’t we add an amendment to the bill to show a photo of a baby left in a dumpster?

  2. Doug Ross

    Does the bill also contain language specifying the size of the photograph, whether it is in black-and-white or color, the number of seconds the doctor must spend attempting to show the fetus-bearing-unit the picture, the penalties for doctors who refuse to comply, and the proper disposal of the photograph? And does the bill include several million dollars of funding for establishing an Office of Fetus-Foto Acceptance Laws (OFFAL) conveniently located in Senator Brownback’s home state?
    This is a sham. A pure and simple public relations ploy to try and get some free publicity and generate fund raising for Brownback’s non-existent Presidential folly.
    Pure pandering to the partisan base.

  3. Karen McLeod

    I’ll give you odds that the women who would be affected by the picture of a fetus (especially one in the 1st trimester) would have already decided to have the baby). The others are not going to be swayed by a somewhat blurry picture of what may someday look human.

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