

Just fed the dog, and mentioned to my wife that he’s really low on food, so that one of us will be sure to get another one of those huge bags. She asked if there was enough for tomorrow, and I said yes, and for the next day, too.

Then I thought a moment, and added, "But don’t tell him how low it is… as far as he knows, that can is limitless." All he needs is someone with opposable thumbs to open it — we keep his ready food in one of those big popcorn cans my great-aunt gives us each Christmas — and to place it in his bowl. He’s completely dependent on this for survival, but that’s fine; he trusts us completely.

But if he knew that it was possible for the can to run out, that would rock his world completely. He’d stay up nights worrying about it. He might even get an ulcer.

It’s reassuring to me that at least one sentient creature I know never worries about where the food is coming from, or paying the bills, or whether that work on the house can be put off another year, or anything else. All he has to do is threaten intruders — and he has a loose interpretation of the word — in his own rather easygoing way (you don’t have to work hard at it when you’re as big as he is), and everything is covered.

Dogs are good, loving, dutiful creatures. If anyone I know is to be free of worry about material limits, I’m glad it’s a dog. He deserves it.

7 thoughts on “Dogonomics

  1. Val Green

    Re: Beautiful Morning
    Dear Mr. Warthen;
    In spite of the gloomly morning, I am elated. I find, in the National news,that the owner of your newspaper is about to go belly up. How kind the world is. Time wounds all heels. There is justice for South Carolina.
    May I suggest you and your band of rogues seek employment in BF, Egypt. The climate there is wonderful, I hear.
    Kindest regards,
    Val Green

  2. Brad Warthen

    Thank for you good wishes. As for the story you read, how about passing on the link? I know some people who would be interested in such a news story. It’s kind of strange that I haven’t heard about it before.
    By the way, folks — and who knows where it’s coming from; it just popped into my head — another great thing about dogs is that, unlike people, they actually know how to render “kindest regards.”

  3. Claudia

    Absolutely charming post about your dog, Brad… and I couldn’t agree more. If there’s one creature in the world that deserves to exist without worry about the material world, it’s a dog! I still remember your beautiful and touching post about Morgan, written when you were mourning her passing. From one dog lover to another, thanks for reminding others of the unconditional love given by a dog to his or her “two-legs”, whether the two-leg in question deserves it or not.
    (Genuinely) kind regards,

  4. Lynn

    I have a cat with the same outlook on life. Though she can be a little bit demanding about getting that food in the dish at a specific time.
    Her job is look cute and protect the house from squirrels and lizards.

  5. bird

    That Val Green name up there sounds familiar. Is that the same one that e-mailed Warren with the kindest, most racist regards that the state troopers should have killed the guy they said they were fixin’ to?
    Yes. I just checked — it’s in your blogs here:
    “That trooper was hardly alone” 3/14/08
    Ooh. I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing that our comments take on a life of their own after we hit “POST.”
    Anyway, Doggie’s should have names!! What is this bad boy’s? He looks like he could be related to BRUTUS, of the Chapin Lake Murray shoreline fame.
    **Erma Bombeck-ish grocery tip of the day:
    Tractor Supply Company has the most nutritious, big dog [read: sizable bite in the monthly family budget] food in the 55-lb bags for the money. It’s also a great place to stroll around and get back to your rural roots. They have every implement for animals — cherished and nuisance-types — humanly imaginable.
    Oh, and I hope nobody goes belly-up. That is not a pleasant thought. And exactly where does one find the “National news?” And why is only “national” capitalized? That could be a clue for the profilers. I’ll get them in on it. They love hearing from me.

  6. Herb Brasher

    Brad’s meanderings here remind of Jesus’ words about the lilies and the birds. I suppose, if He had done his earthly service in the U.S., he would have said, “look at the dogs, they don’t worry about the can going empty . . . .”
    Just keep him on a leash when you go for a walk, OK? Or does he get to go on walks?

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