Becoming a Madman


As I may have mentioned, I’ve done some freelance work recently for folks in the advertising/public relations world, and most recently somemadman friends at a local agency have been letting me use an empty office at their digs, which is really nice.

Even nicer, they invited me to be their guest at a reception given Wednesday (at least I think it was Wednesday; my days are swimming by so) by the Midlands chapter of the American Advertising Federation at Gallery 701. I saw lots of folks I hadn’t seen in awhile, such as a former editor at The State who was laid off with me and is now doing PR work, and newer acquaintances I’ve been getting to know in my new, still largely unformed incarnation.

Fortunately, there were name tags (all of life should have name tags; I’m terrible with names). And these being creative ad folk, there was a participatory theme to the tags. As you can see, they were imprinted with the words “Join. Belong.,” followed by a blank. I was told to fill in the blank with a verb.

Some chose upbeat messages such as “Enjoy” or “Celebrate.” One went existential with “Be.” I was all business. I have one clear goal and aim that I want everyone to associate with me, so I went with that. Maybe a real Madman would have been more subtle, but not me.

Anyway, as they used to say in my former profession, a good time was had by all, and I appreciate being invited.


5 thoughts on “Becoming a Madman

  1. kbfenner

    If you were a Mad Man, who would you be–definitely not Don Draper, Roger Sterling or Pete Campbell. The guy with the pipe? Ken Cosgrove?

  2. Brad Warthen

    Which one’s the sharpest dresser? I don’t know, not having watched it. But I’m curious about it, and have put the first season at the top of my Netflix queue to check it out. So I’ll have to get back to you on that.

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