Trying to get used to cartoons of a different color

Have you checked out Robert Ariail’s most recent cartoons? Increasingly, they are in color.

He does it well, but this is going to take some time to grow on me. I prefer the classic, sharp black and white lines that are the glory of the well-executed editorial cartoon, and no one does it better than my good friend Robert. And Robert has sort of resisted the trend, being the master than he is of the traditional form.

But I’m sure he’s gotten pressure from his syndicate on this point — increasingly, the few cartoonists remaining in the country are doing color. And at some point, one must bow to fashion. Or maybe it’s just that the Spartanburg paper wanted color; I don’t know.

Suppose I’ll have to get used to it…

2 thoughts on “Trying to get used to cartoons of a different color

  1. j

    So Nimrata was the “book keeper” for her family’s business. She did one hellofa poor job. Past performance portents future behavior. She’s just the one that SC needs!

    AP: Nikki Haley Family Business Didn’t Pay Taxes On Time

    “As a family, we saw how hard it was to make a dollar and how easy it was for government to take it,” Haley, a state House member, said in a statement. “I’m committed to making government friendlier to the people and businesses it serves.”

  2. Kathryn Fenner

    It may have been hard to make a dollar, especially selling very high end apparel in less than high end places, but there’s no excuse for incompetence in bookkeeping!

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