Some other candidate please put me on your campaign e-release list — and hurry!

Today, I received TWO e-mails from the aforementioned campaign to draft, of all people, Donald Trump, to be, of all things, President of the United States.

Never mind what they were about; it’s the number of them that gets me.

This is disturbing. It rattles my sense of proportion and perspective.

Please… I know the other campaigns are taking their time getting organized this time, compared to the pre-2008 rush, but some of y’all please put me on your mailing list, now. Someone relatively (and I stress relatively) sensible, like Mike Huckabee, or Mitt Romney.

(Funny, after thinking they were a little out there when they were running against John McCain, I’m seeing those guys as relatively sensible. Shows how much the GOP has shifted since then. In 2008, Romney was DeMint’s guy. Today, he’s … the Father of Obamacare. Who knew?)

2 thoughts on “Some other candidate please put me on your campaign e-release list — and hurry!

  1. jfx

    Brad, you’ll be pleased to know that I signed you up to receive emails from the Draft Charlie Sheen 2012 campaign.

    You’re welcome.

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