Joe Wilson release satirizes itself

joe release

This happened a couple of weeks ago, and I haven’t figured out why it happened either time.

The first time, Joe Wilson sent me a release via email with a headline and an introduction to a statement from Joe, but no statement.

This time, there was the headline — “Wilson to Unveil Legislative Agenda for 2013” — followed by nothing but this:

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Which sort of read like a joke at Joe’s expense: The usual. Nothing.

Just as last time, way down on the email, there was a link where I could go read the actual release, which basically said Joe is having press conferences tomorrow in West Columbia, Aiken and North Augusta. Where he’ll talk about his agenda.


4 thoughts on “Joe Wilson release satirizes itself

  1. tired old man

    Little Joe’s agenda:

    1. More trips to China. (Haven’t learned a darn thing from the first couple dozen.)

    2. Back to Afghanistan. (See rationale for No. 1)

    3. Raise money for next campaign.

    4. Win the septogenarian award at the Tea Party.

    5. Try to avoid drinking too much spiked tea before this year’s state of the state address. (Note, please no more liar comments — even though the cash came flowing in — well, back to No. 3.)

    6. Order more key chains.

  2. Kevin DIetrich

    Joe’s folks know that if he puts his agenda in his release, somebody will type up a few lines, put it on the wire and that will be it. But if, in essence, he announces that he’s going to announce his agenda, then there’s a chance some television cameras will show up to see what he has to say, since the cat’s not out of the bag yet.

    Given that Joe has little of substance to say publicly on much of anything, it would be refreshing if no one showed up to cover the event. But television news being what it is, I’m sure Joe will get his free two minutes of self-promotion/advertising/campaigning.

    And why does a single House member – one of 435 spread across the nation – have a legislative agenda, anyway?

    1. tired old man

      // And why does a single House member – one of 435 spread across the nation – have a legislative agenda, anyway?

      Actually it would be very refreshing and extremely good for our country if each of the 435 House members had an individual agenda, no matter how imperfect.

      Our greatest problem is that those 435 House members have surrendered their respective responsibilities to their electorate to their party caucuses — which are more intent on “gotcha” situations than truly addressing the needs of our country, which collectively pulls together those 435 districts that are more or less equal in population.

      It would be news worth covering if any one of the 435 held a press conference to announce that s/he had an original thought and would be trying to persuade the other 434 to embrace something other than politics as usual.

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