I really MUST start paying more attention to sports: Michelle Jenneke video

Probably everybody else out there saw this last year, but since I’m not much of one to follow sports, I missed it.

The way I ran across it was… bizarre. Trying to do research for this previous post, I was watching this excruciatingly boring video, and when it was done, YouTube took pity on me and suggested the Michelle Jenneke clip.

At first, I thought it was just a music video. Then, I realized that it was actual footage of an actual athlete warming up.

It really made me smile. And I don’t mean in a dirty old man way. After all, this girl is younger than any of my daughters.

No, I shared it with my wife, and she saw it, too. What an amazing endorsement of life.

The only bad feeling it engenders is envy. Look at her. What would it be like to feel that good, that young, that fit, that strong, that ready — even for a moment? I don’t think I ever felt like that, including when I was her age.

But setting the envy aside, she’s inspiring. Makes you want to embrace life. I may actually get on my elliptical trainer (which sits, neglected, a few feet away as I type this) before the day is out, and see it I can get enough endorphins flowing to feel one fraction of the way she seems to feel in that video.

But I’m not going to try to warm up like that first. I would probably hurt myself. Besides, it wouldn’t look as good on me…

3 thoughts on “I really MUST start paying more attention to sports: Michelle Jenneke video

  1. Ron

    Just don’t say she’s the best looking runner on the track. You wouldn’t want to offend her.

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