The new penitence: Using the ice bucket challenge to wash away one’s political sins

Editor’s note: This post has been corrected. The guy in the video is a candidate in Colorado, not Texas. Hence the picturesque mountains in the background.

Corey Hutchins brought this to my attention this morning via Twitter.

We have a self-described “right-wing Christian minister” running for the state House in Colorado who has accused a Democratic congressman of essentially being no better than the ISIS rebels who behead Christians (and others) in Iraq and Syria.

And above you see his video “apologizing” for his statement. Never mind that the “apology” is a passive-aggressive opportunity to repeat his points about the differences between himself and an “openly gay” Democrat. Never mind the problems with this passage:

I would never compare you to the ISIS rebels who behead Christians, right? Of course, you would never go in for something like that.

When a) he just did make that comparison, and b) the construction “you would never go in for something like that” bluntly reminds hearers just what the congressmen does go in for, nod, wink.

And forget the imputation that the only reason he has to “apologize” is that “some Democrats do not have a sense of humor”… about ISIS and beheadings of innocents.

What interests me about it is the way he uses the ice-bucket challenge as a sort of ecumenical-secular mode of baptism to wash away the political sins of which he apparently does not fully repent.

Wow. This meme is just insinuating itself into everything, isn’t it?

Note that he's baptizing HIMSELF, rather than having someone else administer it. Must be some fundamentalist Protestant thing...

Note that he’s baptizing HIMSELF, rather than having someone else administer it. Must be some fundamentalist Protestant thing…

6 thoughts on “The new penitence: Using the ice bucket challenge to wash away one’s political sins

  1. Silence

    I’m all for curing ALS, and cancer, and heart disease, and everything else, but I’m SO tired of everyone’s stupid ice bucket challenge videos.

    1. Barry

      I love it.

      It’s taken a serious disease and made people like my own children aware of it – and as a result- my 11 year old comes up to me – wanting to do it- and wanting to contribute money to the organization.

      I’m all for anything like that.

  2. Brad Warthen Post author

    It may be about to wear out its welcome.

    But it’s the best thing that has happened to ALS sufferers since Lou Gehrig.

    And other nonprofits are really envious. If I get time, I’m going to do a separate post about that…

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