Joe Biden on having the juice to get thing done

Tweet By BRAD WARTHENEDITORIAL PAGE EDITORWhy should voters in South Carolina’s Democratic primary skip the front-runners to pick Joe Biden as their nominee for president?    Because, he explained to our editorial board last week, he’s the guy with the juice. He’s got the experience to have the knowledge, he has sound ideas based on […]

Biden should promise to make Obama secretary of state

TweetI’ve had this idea kicking around in my head for weeks now, and I’ve been waiting to have time to present it thoughtfully, with extensive, carefully constructed arguments that will be perfectly unassailable, and I finally decided I’m not going to have time for all that stuff. So here goes. Joe Biden should promise to […]

Up-close and personal Biden videos

Tweet Maybe now that Obama has pulled Joe Biden back into the spotlight, some of you may want to look at some of the video clips of our editorial board interview with him back in October, when he was still trying against all odds to be at the top of the ticket. If so, here […]

DeMarco: Bishops move to sever the tie that binds

TweetThe Op-Ed Page By Paul V. DeMarco Guest Columnist You would think that American Christians, including the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, would be rejoicing that there was a faithful occupant of the White House. Although white evangelicals overwhelmingly supported Biden’s predecessor and cheered many of his policies, Trump rarely attended church and seemed […]