Category Archives: 2012 Columbia city election

And now, we turn to the city election…

… which I’ve been neglecting.

Long ago, I wrote something about Cameron Runyan announcing for the at-large seat. Since then, two others have stepped up to oppose him: Robert Bolchoz, last seen running for attorney general last year, and, drumroll… Joe Azar (note that the website is from his last run for mayor, but that’s what Google gives me).

Then there’s District 2, where Nammu Muhammad — last seen among a big crowd running for major (no, wait — Congress) — is challenging incumbent Brian DeQuincey Newman, who is seeking re-election for the first time after he replaced E. W. Cromartie in mid-term.

Then there’s the really active one, District 3. Back before Christmas, I went out for beers with young Daniel Coble, and took notes, and was going to write about it. But I wanted to talk to the other candidates first, and what with the holidays and the presidential primary, I just didn’t get to it and didn’t get to it…

Then on Monday, I ran into Jenny Isgett at Rotary, which was when I realized that I was going to have to start paying attention to this stuff again. Because it’s coming up in April. Ms. Isgett and Mr. Coble are opposed by restaurateur Moe Baddourah, who has sought the office before, and my former colleague Mike Miller, who is now described by our former paper as “a freelance writer active in Columbia’s music and arts scene.”

So I need to start lining up interviews with these people. This morning, I met again with Cameron Runyan, at his initiative. I actually didn’t have a notebook on me, but here’s what I learned in terms of what’s up with his campaign now…

He’s spending two or three hours a day, and five or six on Saturdays, walking the districts door-to-door. On Sunday, he hits two or three churches.

He’s assembled a fairly impressive professional team: Heyward Bannister, campaign manager; Kendall Corley, field; Adam Fogle, message, mail, media; Rick Quinn, strategy; Keely Saye, social media; Bob Wislinski, development.

As you’ll recall, he has the mayor’s backing — hence the fact that his team looks a lot like the mayor’s from two years ago. Mr. Benjamin called while we were talking this morning.

We talked about other stuff, having to do with disagreements on issues with other candidates. But I want to talk to said candidates before I elaborate.

As the days go by, I’ll be finding out more as I talk with those folks.